FOSL is dedicated to improving
the lake water quality

Friends of Spanaway Lake (FOSL) was created to help advocate for the safety of the water and the surrounding area.


Friends of Spanaway Lake is a community organization of local citizens that are dedicated to the preservation of water quality, fish and wildlife habitat enhancement, protection from environmental hazards, and community education of lake safety.

Become a FOSL Member

Show your support and join Friends of Spananway Lake. The cost is $20 a year and payment can be sent via Zelle to This email address should be copied and pasted into the Zelle platform.

Checks can also be mailed to FOSL, PO Box 1042, Spanaway, WA  98387-1042.

Our water is changing and action is necessary

In recent years we have seen increased seaweed growth and algae blooms. Our board members bring years of experience to our Spanaway Lake community. We are driven to advocate for the health of the lake and are seeking out government agencies and environmental experts to drive real change.


Lake front owners can make a difference in the quality of the water

Learn about actions individuals and homeowners can take to make a big difference in the health of the water. We are all in this together!


“The earth, the air, the land, and the water are not an inheritance from our forefathers but on loan from our children.”

— Gandhi

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We will send emails once a month to help keep you in the know for all things related to Spanaway Lake. We won’t overfill your inbox, promise!